The lecture was supposed to start a little late because of the parade going on near the Library, but when the library-man left Rutu went right into her lecture without waiting. After a few minutes, the infamous Charles Burns sat down next to us in the lecture room. That was pretty cool, and so was Rutu's slide-projected-accompanied presentation on her process. I was not clear that she does all of her work on computer until the very end of the lecture during the Q&A section. Her art does not lend itself to the usual idea of computer-generated artwork - rather the idea that the computer is just another medium like "oils" or "inks." Adi Granov is another one of these comic book artists that comes to mind.
Modan explained the use of photo reference in EXIT WOUNDS, and her fascination with old photographs at flea markets. She told a great anecdote about buying back a photo album from a flea market that they had accidentally sold the album to when her father passed away. The seller tried to outrageously gouge the price on her (usually $3 a pop, he wanted $150).
Modan may not be a well-known name to mainstream comic book followers, but it should be. Her work in EXIT WOUNDS as well as her self-publishing collective ACTUS TRAGICUS, after her work on the Israeli version of MAD magazine. For more info you can always check out her Wiki page right here.
I plowed through EXIT WOUNDS, a quick and rather sustainable read. The ending is magic and refreshing. Do check it out if you're into Biographical comics and eccentric love stories.
VHS is the 8-Track of the visual media. I can honestly say I haven't watched a VHS tape in ages. This weekend proved to be my triumphant return to VHS with the viewing of 3 classics, 2 of which 1st came out when DVD's were just a twinkle in scientists minds'.

MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL - this is the best-known PYTHON film, and while LIFE OF BRIAN is probably my favorite PYTHON feature-length, I will always have the utmost respect for ...GRAIL. I used this film in High School to explain traveling "minstrels" to my senior English class (the Tale of Sir Robin). My favorite memory of this film is when I was watching it on TV for the 1st time and the "holy hand grenade" scene came on to which my dad stopped, listened to about a minute, and left the room muttering "blasphemous." I was 16, and so happy to upset my dad in such a secular way.
STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE (Special Edition) - Ugh, I know - special edition. It had some good moments - it just happened that I watched this earlier in the same day that CARTOON NETWORK showed both the ROBOT CHICKEN and FAMILY GUY "Star Wars Specials". All this Star Wars hubbub coincides with me finishing THE HOBBIT on CD (my entertainment for my drive home from work) and started THE STAR WARS ORIGINAL RADIO DRAMA. With the voices of Mark Hammill and Anthony Daniels this is a great listen so far. It really gives some background into Luke and Leia's backgrounds prior to the opening of A NEW HOPE. Thanks again Goddard for such a wonderful anniversary present. =)

RUSHMORE - Wes Anderson has me all hyped again, I'm ready to see THE DJARLEEING LIMITED. Heck, I still have to watch the short film that is apparently available on ITUNES.com that goes with the new film. As previously stated, my Halloween costume is based on THE LIFE AQUATIC WITH STEVE ZISSOU (Anderson's prior film) and just the other night I popped in RUSHMORE which Goddard only has on VHS. The 1st film to put Anderson on the radar (although BOTTLE ROCKET is a great and often overlooked movie), Jason Schwartzman solidifies himself as Anderson's darling and Bill Murray as the very best in weird comedy.
And finally, ho

~Till Next Time Kittlings.
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