Hans Rickheit sorta creeps me out. Ok, I've never met the guy - but his comics are something like a H.R. Giger-inspired phantasm with a fine sprinkling of sexual perversion. His self-published Chloe was so hard to read and yet impossible to put down. This bloke lives in Philly and just performed last week with some puppet theater but he will be at this weekend's 215 Festival (link above)- doing some performance art with violinist Katt Hernandez. They will be performing at 2pm at the "Lovingly Bound Book and Arts Fair." Later that evening he will be at the "Kablam-O : A Show of Comic Book Art," along with plenty of other independent creators. If you're in the Philly area, you best check it out. And for the love of Pete - Its FREE!
Halloween is coming swiftly, do YOU have your costume ready yet? While my glasses and Harry Potter f
I must say that by the end of Top Chef's live finale, I was rooting for Hung - and the little bugger won! Good for him too, in my opinion he was the most talented chef, Casey really fell apart at the end. Kitchen Nightmares is trucking along - and I see a pattern forming. It seems that General Managers SUCK! I could be wrong in this assumption but there have been all of 3 shows and if memory serves it was always the Managers that brought down the restaurants the most. At least this week's eatery didn't have to do any m
As for The Office - wow, now that Jim and Pam are together I just feel like all the life is gone from the show. Kudos to the British version for waiting until the last 5 minutes to unite the couple that was meant to be (Tim and Dawn) and then ENDING THE SHOW.
And generic Kimberly bites the dust on America's Next Top Model - and the bitch Bianca gets to stay. I'm still waiting for the nic fits to set in (as smoking was banned by Tyra in the 2nd episode) and the cat claws to really come out. Next week: MAKEOVERS. Easily the most anticipated episode of every cycle. To watch these girls break down over some hair loss is just dramatics at their best.
Ah yes, and how could I forget the Rock of Love finale - the stripper failed Bret Michaels "final test" - I call shenanigans on that statement Bret. If both would've said yes to sharing him, he would've been all for it. Instead Heather got canned and Jes captured Bret's heart. The best part of this final episode was Heather cursing up a store in the limo taking her away from the Bret "compound" and talking smack on the guy whose name she now has tattooed on her neck. This weekend is the Reunion show. Huzzah!
~Till Next Time Kittlings. (((FIGHTIN" PHILS!!!)))
I found a pretty solid replica of Ned's red beanie on the eBay. But if you want the slightly more coveted Steve Z or Klaus model you'll have to do some digging...
I'm A-Team
Yup, seems to me that that is the theme with Kitchen Nightmares. Dunno about next weeks one though...
Don't agree with you on The Office though, I still think it's good. Reaper is this years break out show though, it's awesome.
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