Happy Halloween to my dear kittlings and readers!!! I attended a costume party this past weekend - here is a rather cell phone quality shot of my costume to the left. WHERE'S MY DYNAMITE?
Some treats are in store for you as we catch up with Mike Hawthorne, aka "Hellthorne" and participate in some Halloween Mad Lib fun with some of my favorite creators. Check it out :
A monster a day keeps the boredom away! Mike Hawthorne has been working diligently on his "Monster Blog" available right here on his web site. I asked him some questions about what seems like a daunting undertaking:
MARY BRICKTHROWER:I'm going to do a Special Wed column, for Halloween - my formerBRICKTHROWER: So seriously, a monster a day?
editor Alex [Miller] has mentioned your Monster blog????
Tell me more about it!
MIKE HAWTHORNE: You're telling me you have NOT gone
to my new site?!
Shame, shame!
Check here - http://www.thinktankcomics.com/mad.asp
HAWTHORNE: Oh yeah, one a day. Color monster on Sunday. ((see the photo to the right))
BRICKTHROWER: What a great idea - is this a hard task for you?
HAWTHORNE: Well, yes and no. My wife actually helps me come up with names by reading the dictionary. She's brilliant. All I gotta do is let my sick imagination run with it :) It has proven to be tougher then I expected to keep it going just b ecause I can never find enough time. BUT, it's worth it. Great fun to do.
BRICKTHROWER: Do you feel its a way to stay fresh and keep in "practice" so to speak?
HELLTHORNE: Well, I never feel too stale! But, yeah. It's a nice thing to do at the end of the night and just relax and let myself run without a leash.
BRICKTHROWER: What is your favorite Horror Film?
HELLTHORNE: Oooh.... tough one. I think Return of the Living Dead is way up on the list. The "tarman" scared the shit out of me, when I was a kid. And, you can't beat a naked punk rock Zombie chick! Two of the coolest zombies ever from the days before CGI.
Tarman - http://a2.vox.com/6a00c2251dc877f21900c2252a3462549d-320pi
Punk Zombie - not a good pic http://www.popcorntalk.com/rotld5.jpg
BRICKTHROWER : Do you decorate your house for Halloween? Are you into the Halloween season?
BRICKTHROWER: What else you got going on right now Mike?
HELLTHORNE: Oh yeah. Nothing too crazy, as we're out
on Halloween. I actually did
some handmade monster window hangers.
I'll get you pics. (((pics pending)))
HELLTHORNE: Mostly the Hysteria web comic http://www.thinktankcomics.com, my series of prints: http://www.thinktankcomics.com/scripts/prodList.asp?idCategory=14 And the Un-men
BRICKTHROWER: Thanks Mike! Happy Halloween!
100 Bullets cover artist and Warner Bros. darling Dave Johnson really goes all out for Halloween. Like firreal yo. The past 2 years were bad-arse Vikings from hell but this year Johnson really stepped it up a notch. I will describ e this costume as a "CYBER SAMURAI" and say its an absolute TRAVESTY that he didn't win "best costume" @ the 4th Annual LACME MUSE Costume Ball in L.A. Just look at this thing!!!
And finally, here is some fun Mad Lib action with David Mack (Kabuki), M. Sean McManus (of THE LAST SIN OF MARK GRIMM), Mike Hawthorne (Hysteria!) an d others. Click on the thumbnail to read the WHACKY ZANINESS of Haunted Mad Libs!
~Till Next Time Kittlings.
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